I've been sitting on this song for about two weeks, because I figured that just before Christmas was probably not the right time for the release of my latest song. (Not necessarily Christmas related). I've got to say, it's been hard. This song has lyrics that ring true and the music is not only one I love to listen to on repeat, but it's fun to play on piano as well. It's one of those pieces that I will say practically wrote itself, and I'm honored to be the penbearer that was assigned by Heavenly Father to put it to paper. Suffice it to say, I'm REALLY excited about this song. So what is it about? Well, I won't hold you waiting. The song is below, beneath my words on what it's about. You can play the recording as you read along with the sheet music.
A few years ago, President Russel M. Nelson taught about the importance of learning how to "hear him". During subsequent church meetings, church members discussed how they personally recognized that they "hear him". How do you "hear him?" Other church leaders have taught how learning to "hear him" leads to our own spiritual maturity and independence. I'd encourage everyone to run a thorough gospel study search topic on it. This all got me thinking on a few different streams of thought. Of course there was, "how do I hear him?" But there was also, "how do I teach my children to 'hear him'". This got my music therapist brain going. Specifically, children learn by exploring their environments, specifically through what us adults call "play." They see, hear, touch, and fully sense their environments, and essemble them into theories on how the world works. On a near daily basis, these theories are disproven and revised. We consider adults to have rather stresfull lives, but consider that children are also being exposed to daily experiences that challenge their world view. And so my next question was, "what do we sense in our environment, that teach us to communicate with Heavenly Father and receive truth directly from him?" The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it cannot be fully be communicated in words. For example, one of my vivid memories growing up, is waking up in the middle of the night, and walking downstairs to stumble on my Dad praying out loud. I don't remember any of the words he said in those moments. But what I can remember is the impression that came over me of the relationship my Dad had with Heavenly Father. More, I felt the desire within me to have a similar relationship with Heaveny Father that my Dad had. It's one I couldn't put to words, but the impressions were unforgetable, and repeatable through my own action. And so began a lifelong quest. But then there were also experiences I had of hearing Mom bear testimony. Yes, there were moments in fast and testimony meeting. But the more vivid memories I have were non-formal moments when she bore testimony. There were times when people of other faiths knocked on the door to share a scripture, or when she spoke to a primary class about the gospel. One of my most vivid memories though, was her last day as a primary president when I was rather young. She testified in a combined meeting of how much she loved each of the children in the group. She also testified of how much Heavenly Father loved each of them. I had first hand experience with experiencing Mom's love on a day to day basis. I don't know if any of the other children had that concept. But what I came to conceptualize myself, was that if Mom's love for me, which I felt at that moment, was even an inkling of the love that Heavenly Father had for me, than he must love me a whole lot. Again, that mother's love is not a concept that can be put into words. It's more of an impression. But still, that impression teaches of how one can build our relationship with Heavently Father, and receive direct revelation from him. And so we return to the music I created below entitled Hear Him. It is my hope that those singing it, children especially, will conceptualize how they can personally and uniquely, "hear him". I encourage everyone to use it to their advantage for their children, primary groups, and anywhere else you find yourself teaching this concept clearly, and with renewed purpose. Edit to add: if you have trouble downloading it from the SCRIBD software, you can also download it here: ![]()
Bruce T Forbes
12/26/2021 04:47:54 pm
Oh, that is beautiful! I certainly recognize the music as yours; I love your sound. And the lyrics are wonderful. The final phrases are a perfect resolution for the singer to make and a wonderful conclusion to the whole song; the prefect icing on the cake. I hope you'll be submitting this in 2022's annual submission!
Mark Richins
12/28/2021 10:31:06 am
Thank you Bro. Forbes! I'll be taking a look at 2022's submission guidelines for sure!
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AuthorI'm a sacred music enthusiast. I'm one of those people that attends church for the music just as much as the sermon, one of those people that give an evil glare at the people who leave for the congregational hymns, (Ok no, not really). Archives
December 2021